Programme Objective
The objective of the BBS programme at the FOM is to develop students into competent managers for any sector of organized activity. The programme is based on the principle that graduates will spend a major portion of their life in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, the student should have an opportunity to obtain a broad knowledge of the concepts and reality- based skills underlying the operation and management of organizations. Upon graduation, students should be equipped to function as a manager in business, industry and government. The graduate should also have a variety of career opportunities in different sectors of business including entrepreneurship and create much needed jobs for others.
The BBS programme specially attempts to:
1. Equip the students with the required conceptual knowledge of business and administration to develop a general management perspective in them.
2. Develop required attitudes, abilities and practical skill in students, which constitute a foundation for their growth into competent and responsible business managers.
3. Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them effective change agents in the Nepalese society.
4. Develop necessary foundation for higher studies in management and thereafter take up careers in teaching, research and consultancy.
Curricular Structure
The FOM recognizes the need for both breadth and depth in the total academic pattern. Therefore, the curriculum for BBS degree comprises four separate and distinct course components:
1. A strong foundation allied areas of business such as language, economic analysis, legal environment and quantitative method to prepare graduates to understand, analyze and comprehend the management concepts, theories and practices.
2. Core business studies encompassing and integrating all functional areas to provide graduates with and appreciation of the diversity and inter-relationship of business and management issues.
3. The opportunity to concentrate in one area of specialization such as accounting, finance, human resources management and marketing in order to provide graduates with some degree of functional expertise.
Course Composition
Compulsory Courses
MGT 201: Business English
MGT 202: Business Statistics
MGT 203: Microeconomics
MGT 204: Business Law
MGT 205: Business Communication
MGT 206: Macroeconomics
Core Courses
MGT 211: Accounting for Financial Analysis
MGT 212: Cost and Management Accounting
MGT 213: Principles of Management
MGT 214: Fundamentals of Marketing
MGT 215: Fundamentals of Financial Management
MGT 216: Foundations of Human Resource Management
MGT 217: Business Environment and Strategy
MGT 218: Taxation and auditing
MGT 219: Organizational Behavior
MGT 220: Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development
MGT 221: Business Research Methods
Concentration Area
(Three courses from any one of the following five functional areas)
ACC 250: Accounting for Banking
ACC 251: Accounting for Business
ACC 252: Advanced Financial Accounting
ACC 253: Advance Auditing
ACC 254: Budgeting and Controlling of Profit
FIN 250: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
FIN 251: Commercial Bank Management
FIN 252: Foundations of Financial Institutions and Markets
FIN 253: Fundamentals of Investment
FIN 254: Insurance and Risk Management
MKT 250: Fundamentals of Selling
MKT 251: Customer Relationship Management
MKT 252: Foreign Trade and Export Management in Nepal
MKT 253: Fundamentals of Advertising
MKT 254: Fundamentals of Services Marketing
MGT 250: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
MGT 251: International Business
MGT 252: Management of Industrial Relations
MGT 253: Productivity Management
MGT 254: Quality Management
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