Student centered learning, interactive lecture, group discussion and seminars, student’s presentation, case studies and projects, both library and field based research, industrial tour and excursion, and internship are extensively adopted to make teaching learning more effective and efficient.

Assessment of Learning and Grading System


Examination and Evaluation

The following weightage of marks are assigned to each of the examination: 40 percent weight for on-going semester examinations (class room activities, projects and assignments and class attendance) and 60 percent weight for semester-end examinations (case analysis, problem solving and concept oriented short answer questions).

The performance of students will be evaluated through ongoing in-semester evaluations and semester-end examinations. The FOM shall have the final authority in conducting, evaluating and awarding grades in semester-end examinations. The course facilitator (instructor) shall decide the grades in the in-semester evaluations. The in-semester (internal) evaluation shall generally have a total weight of 40 percent in each course. The concerned faculty shall be responsible for the continuous in-semester evaluations. The in-semester evaluation shall be based on a student’s performance in class presentations, case analysis, and project assignments, class tests and others as required by the course.

In-semester Evaluation  40 Marks
 Evaluation Activities  Weight in %
In-semester pre-board Examination 40
Class-room activities (Class presentations, case analysis, group works etc) 20
Projects and Assignments 30
Class Attendance and discipline 10
Total 100 %


Semester-end Examinations

The semester-end examinations on course work related subjects shall have a total weight of 60 percent. The semester-end examination shall be based on problem solving questions, analytical questions, and case studies or any other formats as demanded by a course. The duration of the examination shall be 3 hours for both 3 credit hour courses. The general pattern of the external examinations shall be conducted as presented in the following table

External  Evaluation :  60 Marks
 Evaluation Activities  Number of Questions and Choice Weight in %
Case Analysis, Situation Analysis or Extended Problem Analysis as suitable to the course Two Compulsory Questions


Problem Solving, Critical Analysis Oriented questions Three Questions with one choice.

Two questions of 15 marks each to be solved by students

Concept Oriented Short Answer Questions Six Short Answer Questions with Two Choice Questions (Four Questions of 5 marks to be solved by students) 20
  Total Marks 100 %


Grading System

The grading system followed in the MBM program will be based on the absolute performance of a student in the in-semester evaluations and semester-end examinations. The performance of a student in the MBM program shall be made on a four point scale ranging from 0 to 4. The passing grade in the semester-end examination for an individual paper shall be grade “B minus” or GPA of 2.70 (55 percent). In order to pass the semester examination the student must secure a minimum of Grade “B” or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 (60 percent). The overall grade of a student will be determined by the student’s performance in the in-semester and semester-end examinations. The following table presents the Letter Grade, GPA, percentage equivalent and Performance Remarks for the MBM program:

Grades CGPA % equivalent Performance Remarks
A 4.0 90 and Above Distinction
 A- 3.7 80-89.99 Distinction
 B+ 3.3 70-79.99 First Division
B 3.0 60-60.99 Second Division
B- 2.7 55-59.99 Pass in Individual Subject
F 0 Below Failed